Thursday, May 15, 2014


Is Getting a College Degree Worth It?

The idea that everyone should go to school in my opinion is overrated and overemphasized in our society.  Although I do believe that the opportunity should be presented to everyone, I don’t think that going to college is always beneficial or necessary for every individual.  Today many companies encourage and sometimes demand that their employees to get a higher education in order to be promoted within the company.  Other companies put such a huge emphasis on college degrees and will not even interview an individual who does not possess a college diploma.  The fact is, that little piece of paper might state that you are educated enough to do a job, however in reality that is not always and most often not the case. 

Of course there are pros in going to college and getting a college degree.  A college degree can open the doors that would be otherwise closed to those without a college education.  People can gain valuable knowledge that they would have never acquired had they not gone through and experienced four years of college.  However, a college degree does not ensure a lifetime of success in the real world.  Many college graduates receive degrees in areas that are not vastly needed in our economy and often face unemployment and a pile of debt after they leave college. 

I think that experience and trained skills in a specific field can often outweigh a college degree.  Just because a person is intelligent and has achieved a college degree, does not mean that are more competent than a person who did not receive a higher education.  A person should not feel pressured into pursuing a college degree just for the sake of having the degree.