First Writing Experience
I found the three articles: “The “Banking” Concept of Education”, “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work”, and “In the Basement of the Ivory Tower”, very interesting. The articles were each about different methods of education, but each author had unique perspectives on the education system. I thought that the writing process for the first paper of this class went well. I thought it was very beneficial to receive feedback from my peers on the first draft. Everyone’s feedback was helpful in editing the final paper. I also found it helpful to receive feedback and criticism from our professor. Everyone has their own perception and unique insights so I think it’s a great idea to be able to hear what others have to say about the same subject. I did have a hard time fitting in all of the suggestions into my paper without going into a ton of different tangents. Next time maybe I’ll focus on changing/adding just two or three main suggestions to my paper. For all of my previous classes, I was required to write more scientifically and just stick to the facts. I have never had to write an opinionated paper in past classes. In fact, I was never allowed to voice my thoughts about the topics I was writing about before. So needless to say, I found that slightly challenging while writing this paper. For the next paper I will also try to focus a little more on my thought process or my views on specific topics.
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